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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography | all galleries >> Almost PAD / ABSTRACTS / under my tree: >> 2010 > DSC_6562.jpg
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D AF
1/30s f/2.2 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography29-Aug-2010 18:32
Good capture, well done, Voted.
debbieps19-Aug-2010 14:07
Great shot and love the b&w, keeps it in period!
Mieke WA Minkjan19-Aug-2010 07:39
a beautiful catch
borisalex19-Aug-2010 07:29
Great shot!
Ilana gil19-Aug-2010 06:22
Beautiful done!
Guest 19-Aug-2010 04:59
I like the portrets.
larose forest photos19-Aug-2010 03:11
WOnderfully creative shot of Marilyn! V
Bill Ewart Jr19-Aug-2010 03:04
iconic shot!!!!!!!!
Cindi Smith19-Aug-2010 01:36
Very, very nice, Matylda. Well done!
laine18-Aug-2010 23:33
Very nice Matylda.
Stephanie18-Aug-2010 23:27
A girl can never have too many diamonds!
Fab shot Matylda!!!!! BV
J. Scott Coile18-Aug-2010 22:52
Marilyn looks good warped :-)
Guest 18-Aug-2010 21:33
Oh, very nice. Love the black and white.
Guest 18-Aug-2010 19:59
Beautiful capture Matylda!!!!Lovely reflections of a gorgeous Marilyn!!!!!! V