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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> May 2010 > Whoooo Are You?
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7 May 2010 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Whoooo Are You?

Southeast Louisiana

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Robert D. McAlpine14-May-2010 18:05
Very unusual and interesting pose!
Neal Nye09-May-2010 11:02
Oh how I would love to see one of these. What an excellent shot of it!
laine09-May-2010 08:37
This is the framing...gmv!!
Cindi Smith09-May-2010 04:08
You know, your title was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the image, then I read the title. Great minds think alike! He is staring at you! Awesome capture!
Dennis Hoyne09-May-2010 02:39
A fluffy youngster! Neat shot, Coleen.
s_barbour08-May-2010 23:51
Oh Coleen, this is stunning. So beautifully framed with all the branches and leaves. Absolutely gorgeous shot! V
pkocinski08-May-2010 22:56
Great find and well done!
sschex08-May-2010 22:12
Whoooo are you , taking my picture? Very nice.
Pierre Landry08-May-2010 19:38
ewa toll08-May-2010 19:37
very nice
Linda Willets08-May-2010 18:27
Great Capture, Coleen !
Chris Cox08-May-2010 18:04
Nice Capture, appears to be a young one. CC
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-May-2010 17:33
Superb shot, Vote :)
fredrcox08-May-2010 17:29
Beautifully captured and presented!
Zak08-May-2010 16:17
Great catch!!
A J Adams08-May-2010 14:30
Nice shot of this youngster.
royalld08-May-2010 14:23
I wonder if his eyes are as powerful as your lens.
Ed Preston08-May-2010 14:05
Hoot's DAT? He's looking at you and he knows a friend when he sees one!