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Doug Cruden | all galleries >> Pbase Meet-Ups >> Derbyshire, March 2010 > Blurry
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20-MAR-2010 (c) Doug Cruden


Matlock Bath, Derbyshire

Nikon D300 ,Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM
1/2s f/4.2 at 11.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Neil Horner25-Mar-2010 21:07
Excellent , we were trying to keep up with the guide who had no consideration for us pbasers...
Phillip Normanton24-Mar-2010 21:09
LOL - another blurry cave shot :o) I think even the ones where I put my camera on the floor are blurred!
Colin Storey24-Mar-2010 19:40
Nicely done..deleted nearly all my cave shots.
Kevin Chester24-Mar-2010 19:15
This looks great
malcolm haslam24-Mar-2010 18:55
Now, just how many beers did you have...
Great effect, Doug.
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