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Jim Coffman | all galleries >> Galleries >> A mixed Bag >
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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography06-Mar-2010 23:34
Fantastic shot, all perfect, Vote.
lou_rozensteins06-Mar-2010 22:07
Excellent work. That water looks so refreshing. Well done.
Colin Storey06-Mar-2010 20:00
Wonderful flowing water image. v
Guest 06-Mar-2010 18:41
Love this effect. Very well done. V
marie-jose wolff06-Mar-2010 17:04
wonderful water flows... V
globalgadabout06-Mar-2010 16:32
pulsating image with lovely earth tones seeping through the feathery foam...V
Walter Otto Koenig06-Mar-2010 16:14
Great capture of the rushing water. I like the way you captured the patterns. "V"
Marcia Rules06-Mar-2010 16:07
very graceful use of water flow..V!
Carol Rollins06-Mar-2010 15:40
Wow, this is an awesome capture of the powerful water flow. Great work Jim. ~
Guest 06-Mar-2010 15:27
Beautiful capture Jim! V
waterfalls man06-Mar-2010 14:31
Beautiful Shot V!!
Michal Leszczynski06-Mar-2010 14:07
Wonderful capture of flowing water, excellent exposure control, beautiful photo Jim. V.
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