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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Domestic Animals and Birds: Multiple Galleries >> Dogs > One Happy Dog
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14-FEB-2010 Racine Erland

One Happy Dog

Southern Vancouver Island

Being greeted by a large, happy dog that just went for a swim in the salt water can be a drenching experience. Fortunately this time the greeting, and accompanying shaking off of the water, was for the owner. I was a safe distance away, thankful for a lens that kept me out of the danger zone!

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Max 25-Apr-2011 01:06
It puts a smile on my face.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-May-2010 12:11
Great frame! V
Kerry Tingley18-Feb-2010 15:02
Cute! He looks pretty jolly about it. I love how you captured the little wet hairs.
Mieke WA Minkjan18-Feb-2010 06:44
wow, excellent V
Frank Brault18-Feb-2010 03:28
A n outstanding photo and so cute! V
carol j. phipps18-Feb-2010 03:20
Wow! this is fantastical! V
Cindi Smith18-Feb-2010 01:46
He's shaking in mid-air it looks like! I love this!
Jola Dziubinska18-Feb-2010 01:18
Perfect timing, very cool shot. V.
J. Scott Coile18-Feb-2010 01:10
Well captured action.
Stephanie17-Feb-2010 22:56
Excellent capture Racine!!! BV!
lou_rozensteins17-Feb-2010 22:02
Nothing quite like a huge wet hairy dog! He looks like he's had a great time. Well done.
Laryl17-Feb-2010 21:44
truely fabulous!!!
wernere0117-Feb-2010 20:45
LOL. Great catch, makes me laugh out loud. v
Bernard Davis17-Feb-2010 17:54
Certainly has a smile on his face, they certainly like to shake themselves.
A great catch.
Guest 17-Feb-2010 17:05
I'm glad you weren't too near!! Great capture Racine!
borisalex17-Feb-2010 16:21
Happy wet dog! Great shot!