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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chouette éperviere ( Northern Hawk > Chouette éperviere ( Northern Hawk ( 1 of 4 )
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Chouette éperviere ( Northern Hawk ( 1 of 4 )

Pentax K10D
1/1250s f/7.1 at 420.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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pierreratte10-Feb-2010 20:50
On dirait qu'il t'as à l'oeil............ faut pas bouger, Bravo Jean belle compo.
CM Kwan03-Feb-2010 13:20
Wonderful composition, love the way you captured the eye contact, Jean! V
NealyBob02-Feb-2010 23:16
Excellent shot Jean! Looks like he's spotted something to munch~!V
Patricia Kay02-Feb-2010 20:34
This is fantastic Jean...BV
marko gregoric02-Feb-2010 19:49
Superb catch. Good light and pose. V.
Colin Storey02-Feb-2010 15:51
Stunning capture, hes definatly got his eye on something. v
Lise De Serres02-Feb-2010 15:04
Elle semble plutôt curieuse cette choutte, j'aime beaucoup son expression!!
Lamar Nix02-Feb-2010 14:28
The look on his face is priceless! V
Guest 02-Feb-2010 13:17
a beauty, made me smile too.
Ali Majdfar02-Feb-2010 09:47
Superb capture! ~V
Simon Chandler02-Feb-2010 04:04
Excellent capture of the beautiful form and expression of the subject. The branch and the blue background enhance the composition. v
Walter Otto Koenig02-Feb-2010 03:50
A wonderful sharp capture with these fine details. "V"
Yi Feng02-Feb-2010 03:49
Beautiful catch, Jean!
Fong Lam02-Feb-2010 03:22
Lovely catch, Jean.......nice pose and details (V)
Guest 02-Feb-2010 03:04
Awesome image, Jean. V
Hank Vander Velde02-Feb-2010 02:30
Beautiful Jean. I'm getting jealous. There have, to my knowledge, been no NHO's around our area so far this winter.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)02-Feb-2010 02:13
Looks to have prey in sight…V
Marcia Colelli02-Feb-2010 00:58
Wonderful pose, looks like it has spotted something. V
Jean D02-Feb-2010 00:50
Quelle pose superbe, Jean! ~V
Andre Fontaine02-Feb-2010 00:21
belle prise j aime beaucoup son plumage! v
Dominic Cantin01-Feb-2010 22:30
Very nice shot Jean 8)

Dom :)
Jim Coffman01-Feb-2010 22:03
I'm so jealous! Very nice capture,Jean! V
Blandine Mangin01-Feb-2010 22:01
superbe ! v
Janet Forjan-Freedman01-Feb-2010 21:57
Beautiful catch! The plumage details pop against the brilliant blue sky!