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Bernard Bosmans08-Jun-2011 11:52
Terrific shot Pawel, wonderful perspective and perception of motion, and I like how the foreground pavers draw you into the picture. V.
rocky01-May-2010 16:10
Nicely composed wide angle with excellent details and tonal range. =V=
Ali Majdfar18-Feb-2010 11:50
Lovely capture! ~V
CM Kwan16-Feb-2010 04:17
Very nice, love the lead line to the lovely child, Pawel!

P.S. Pbase has problem showing my recently posted picture in your "favorites group". A lot of friends thought that I haven't on Pbase for a long time. In fact, I'm posting a picture each day.
peterjay4511-Feb-2010 00:21
This is great street photography. A dynamic image. V.
Guest 09-Feb-2010 12:19
nice colours,V
settler07-Feb-2010 13:01
Fine 'real street'..V!
Jim's Atavistic Visions21-Jan-2010 05:32
Beautiful lines and scale! V!... Josefina
Guest 19-Jan-2010 17:45
excellent shot,lines, compo.
Raymond Ma17-Jan-2010 00:08
A wonderful exploration of this space with the human elements! V
Marcia Rules16-Jan-2010 16:25
wonderful sense of space..with fine graphics..V
Jeff Real16-Jan-2010 04:06
I love the wide open space in this composition ~V~
zyziza15-Jan-2010 17:15
fine compo! v
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