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1970's Courtesy of Bill Allen

New England Oyster House partial place setting


Thank you to Bill Allen for contributing this old image. Bill says that the place setting was manufactured by Jackson Custom China in Fall Creek, Pennsylvania and that they were in business from 1917 to 1987.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 23-Jan-2011 00:30
Leonard Loffler Owned the New England Oyster House Company, At that time it was the largest independent owned Restaurant chain in Florida, Who also operated a complete commissary and distribution center, in Dania Beach, 22 Restaurants were in operation in the late 70''s and eighties.
Guest 21-Nov-2010 02:52
I was an assistant manager at the north miami location approx 30 years ago. This was my first job in florida. I had many great times with the people there.
Guest 15-Mar-2010 22:52
Who owned the New England Oyster Houses in Florida