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Peter Sussex | all galleries >> Galleries >> Güssing > gate & behind
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gate & behind

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larose forest photos12-Jan-2014 21:27
Everything about this image is a delight. V
shatterbug17-Nov-2010 22:01
The lighting and the colors in this are marvelous!
Carol How14-May-2010 19:48
So hard to capture atmosphere and you've done it so well V
Yiannis Pavlis08-Sep-2009 02:04
Quite an achievement. Wonderful capture..V
Guest 20-Aug-2009 17:30
Excellent composition! This open door invite us to come :) V
Jacky Lee20-Aug-2009 12:11
very colourful image!
poetry66620-Aug-2009 12:08
Great shot here Peter of the open door and archways behind it.V!!
Guest 17-Aug-2009 21:57
Great and surreal :) V
marko gregoric15-Aug-2009 17:56
Great shot. Excellent capture. V.
settler15-Aug-2009 17:28
Full of impact!..V!
Dallas Hyatt15-Aug-2009 06:17
You just continue to amaze me. This is outstanding!
Susan Bowen14-Aug-2009 21:03
Enchanting image. Great composition and soft focus areas. V
Guest 14-Aug-2009 20:38
Une porte qui s'ouvre sur un autre monde que l'on est empressé de découvrir. Des détails superbes une lumière magnifique...! Bravo! bv!
Jan Frode Aase14-Aug-2009 19:27
I like the composition very much. Opening a door and wonder what there is inside. A very special mood. Colours ans light adds a lot to this mood. A wonderful capture. V
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