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Pentax K10D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/350s f/4.5 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Lee Rudd10-Aug-2009 20:06
awwww I think it is on its way out...
J. Scott Coile10-Aug-2009 18:55
Splendid bokeh to set off this decline!
Chris10-Aug-2009 17:47
This is so good - but I wish someone would bring you a fresh bunch of flowers! Chris
Lee G10-Aug-2009 13:48
I like this, great subject isolation. ! Your close up work is so good, the projects you create are always interesting and well done.
Carol Rollins10-Aug-2009 13:03
Outstanding light and focus Ann. Very artistic. ~
Bartosz Kotulski10-Aug-2009 12:23
such a fantastic use of light and great DOF here. very nicely done