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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> US Landscapes >> Pacific Northwest >> Palouse - In Spring > Salvaging Lumber
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May 2009 Fred Schaad

Salvaging Lumber

Diamond, Washington

Old wooden elevators are disappearing piece by piece as they are replaced by more
modern concrete or steel storages.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM ,Digital
1/125s, f/8, ISO 200, 17mm, -1/3 EV full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
monil10-Jun-2009 20:53
Very well composed and good frame.
Love the colors.
Guest 10-Jun-2009 19:33
Nice wide angle work. I'll bet there is lots of value in this salvage.
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Jun-2009 19:03
Fabulous shot and a great composition. V.
Marco Valk10-Jun-2009 16:43
Terrific composition and perspective; great shot. v
Tom Munson10-Jun-2009 16:10
Terrific image, Fred! There are whole forest's in these elevators!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther10-Jun-2009 15:25
Wonderful wide angle shot! Love the compo. V
Robert Charity10-Jun-2009 13:00
well composed, v
rollosphotos10-Jun-2009 12:19
Great shot, lovely texture, angles and color!
Bartosz Kotulski10-Jun-2009 12:03
great use of wide angle.great perspective and fantastic the clouds.thanks to them is perfect balance here. very well captured
Naret Visesvongsa10-Jun-2009 11:55
Effective use of WA lens for this composition. V
Guest 10-Jun-2009 07:36
all the right colors together with the
w/a makes this shot wonderfull.v
Gerard Koehl10-Jun-2009 06:46
Magnifique... V
fdt10-Jun-2009 06:41
Your WA shots work very well. Another excellent capture. f