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ISS past the Moon

The International Space Station when it it zipped past the Moon in the afternoon skies of Modiin, Israel at June 3rd 19:01

Canon EOS Rebel T1i
1/400s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets06-Aug-2016 18:36
Very cool, nice cropping.
Ken Zaret31-Jul-2016 21:23
This is an incredibly cool shot. Congratulations on having it all come together, it must have taken careful planning.
Karen Moen21-Mar-2015 14:29
Beautiful composition with incredible lunar detail. Voted.
now_is_forever05-Mar-2015 20:54
Love it.
Jean-Gregoire Marin28-Feb-2015 21:07
Superb capture!, V
Warren08-Jan-2014 16:01
Wonderful image. Impressive.
Nissim Ohayon 02-Jun-2010 20:10
That is the International Space Station gracefully passing by the Moon.
Guest 07-Jan-2010 20:11
Guest 04-Aug-2009 22:38
great shot...!
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