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Time s arrow direction

Thursday Transglobal Challenge
14 may 2009

No way, so far, to inverte time's arrow direction.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dave Hein18-May-2009 02:12
The tile pattern is similar to what might be used in a lot of Hawaiian quilts!
Phillip Normanton16-May-2009 10:41
Oh dear... It didn't bounce then? :o((
Mairéad15-May-2009 21:34
Cool pic, shame about the cup.
virginiacoastline15-May-2009 21:06
that is SO coooool . . . how the tiles make it seem as tho there is liquid spilt from the cup
carol j. phipps15-May-2009 16:56
Clean break!
Norbert Fortelny15-May-2009 08:07
Clever, very clever!
Absolutely love it.
Maaike Huizer15-May-2009 07:22
That is a great interpretation
Dan Chusid15-May-2009 07:02
That's gonna cost you...
cits_4_pets15-May-2009 05:30
Ouch...not the direction you wanted. Nice shot.
Guest 15-May-2009 04:52
Yep, gravity only does one direction
carolynne_w15-May-2009 01:57
Down! Gravity is a rather unforgiving rule!
Cindi Smith15-May-2009 01:40
Oh, no!!! Great entry...hope it wasn't something that held a lot of sentimental value!
Laryl15-May-2009 00:58
oh dear.. good entry
Nancy Lobaugh14-May-2009 23:42
...and reload doesn't work either....
Bill Ewart Jr14-May-2009 23:22
and the direction of that cup was DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cliff Hutson14-May-2009 23:00
Lovely photo. Some days, I wish I could turn back time.
J. Scott Coile14-May-2009 22:09
I keep on hitting my rewind button for you. No luck :-(
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