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Randy Adams | all galleries >> Part-Time Pixels in Taiwan >> April 2009 > April 25
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April 25

1/2000s f/4.0 at 12.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buba Jafarli02-Mar-2010 13:50
Wow! What a composition, light and treatment! One of your best, Randy! V.
Bill Robinson28-Apr-2009 23:06
Beaut long shadows and light in this intruiging seascape Randy.
poetry66627-Apr-2009 18:13
Lovely treatment and shadows Randy. Beautiful work..V!!!
Art Parnell27-Apr-2009 04:05
A very moody beach scene, Randy. It looks like an army of monolithic soldiers casting those long shadows.
Simon Chandler26-Apr-2009 20:12
Amazing work. Excellent composition and dof. Rich tone with a wonderful mood. v
Guest 26-Apr-2009 16:05
Guest 26-Apr-2009 14:20
Excellent composition and the light and tones are beautiful, Randy!
Antonis Sarantos25-Apr-2009 22:44
Guest 25-Apr-2009 21:40
WOW Randy, a trully superb image in all respects!!!! BV :)
Fong Lam25-Apr-2009 16:27
Fantastic beach scene, Randy. Love the light and long shadows cast !! V