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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> flora__trees_in_a_concrete_jungle > spring greetings...
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spring greetings...

Victoria Park, Hong Kong

FujiFilm Finepix F200EXR
1/10s f/3.3 at 6.4mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bernard Bosmans02-Oct-2009 00:09
So this is Victoria Park Hong Kong, for a split second I thought being in Lisse Holland. Wonderful shot with beautiful warm colours. V.
basri_eli01-Aug-2009 05:02
Wonderful shot!!
caveman_lee06-Apr-2009 10:02
Tulips again. Nice wide angle.
CM Kwan05-Apr-2009 12:33
A beautiful see of tulips, Hugo! Love the tone! V