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Carol E Sandgren | all galleries >> Galleries >> Light > Visitors
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Fort Point, San Francisco

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi
1s f/4.5 at 23.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Peter Sussex04-Nov-2010 20:30
Awesome work for geometry lovers like me, the lights are fantastic and the visitors are just the ice on the cake. V
Ron Horloff05-Jun-2009 00:37
Excellent composition, Carol. Frames within frames.
Greg Burke22-May-2009 14:05
great shot, those birds really make the composition..
Wendy O16-May-2009 23:02
Love this Carol, great light. Did you hire the pigeons to stand there?
lou_rozensteins24-Mar-2009 22:00
An interesting composition of frames and angles leading to the light. Well done.
dane24-Mar-2009 19:17
good eye for composition and exposure
Nick Arena24-Mar-2009 10:31
The many frames and use of light and shade give this image added depth..
a lovely capture!
Guest 24-Mar-2009 08:04
Love it!...the chop and change direction..exposure...and helpful birds. Excellent.
Dallas Hyatt24-Mar-2009 03:48
Wonderfully framed and perfectly timed.
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