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Israel Fichman R.I.P | all galleries >> Galleries >> Professions. > The Blacksmith.
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18-FEB-2009 Israel Fichman.

The Blacksmith.

Nikon D200 ,Nikkor 28-70mm f/2.8 ED-IF AF-S
1/180s f/3.2 at 48.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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cits_4_pets04-Mar-2009 06:02
Very nice shot of the hot iron, like the tones, ... - doing cold shoeing.
Michel Jasmin01-Mar-2009 16:09
Excellent work Israel
Guest 28-Feb-2009 12:46
Excellent in all ways, Israel... great work!
doron nissim28-Feb-2009 12:36
V !!!
Michael Shpuntov28-Feb-2009 04:20
Great image Israel. Friend of mine is very impressed with your work and tonal pallet on this images. I totally agree with him. Vote.
PauloCGama28-Feb-2009 03:39
Perfect timing, Israel. The tiny blur on the hammer adds a special touch.
Excellent light and details. v
Sonja Ross27-Feb-2009 18:43
Just the right shutter speed.
monil27-Feb-2009 14:49
Excellent composition and very good portrait. v