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Maxim Zaretsky | all galleries >> Galleries >> Santorini & Crete > ***
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09-SEP-2008 maximzar



Sigma SD14 ,Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro
1/320s f/10.0 at 21.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Apostolos Tikopoulos31-Oct-2019 21:15
So beautiful and spectacular composition with great colors and tones. V.
Rosemarie Kusserow02-Feb-2009 22:47
Amazing light and colors, a place where I could stay for hours, vote, Rosemarie :o)
Lamar Nix01-Feb-2009 15:40
Sunset image is noteworthy for the glow created over the majestic cluster of dwellings on this seaside cliff. V
LynnH01-Feb-2009 14:27
Really beautiful photo. You've captured perfect light. Love the soft tones and shadows too. Vote!!
Guest 29-Jan-2009 18:00
Wish I was there right now!:>)
Bryan Ramsay29-Jan-2009 03:40
gorgeous light!! -BJ
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad29-Jan-2009 03:04
Beautiful warm light and a fine composition. Voted
Silvia Roitman29-Jan-2009 00:13
Marisa Livet28-Jan-2009 20:59
A sumptuous sunset, very well captures.