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pkocinski | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2009 Images Every Now And Then - Year Three > Lunch
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I went out to bring in the recycle bins and I heard this "tap tap tap tap" going on nearby. I found this Downy Woodpecker working my neighbors tree. Neither the trash truck, nor the mailman nor I seemed to interrupt this woodpecker from his lunch today.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Murahashi23-May-2012 04:35
Great shot of this cute little guy. V
January Grey20-Feb-2011 09:30
Cute little downy! Great pose & composition!!
Guest 29-Jan-2009 06:52
It's good to know you take your camera when retrieving the trash cans! Now that's thinking like a true photographer! ... and rewarded with a great shot too!
Bill Ewart Jr27-Jan-2009 11:03
So crisp n clear!!! Grrrrrreat shot! We get these birds in our yard too
although I can't seem to get a clear shot of them. v
Chris Spracklen27-Jan-2009 08:11
A fine shot of this neat little woodpecker.
Nice work! (V)
Cindi Smith27-Jan-2009 04:31
Great capture! I have a hard time locating them. You did a great job!
tammie27-Jan-2009 03:38
Very nice shot of this little guy! Boy that red on his head just pops!!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)27-Jan-2009 01:44
Oh, I thought you meant he was going to be your lunch :) Great shot of this fellow. BZ-V!
Guest 27-Jan-2009 01:32
Nice shot! Great capture of the red on his head.
Timothy Guenther26-Jan-2009 23:04
Good clear shot!
Ed Preston26-Jan-2009 19:16
That's my problem also, no one bothers me when I'm eating either! :-)

Wonderful capture, Patti!
Walter Otto Koenig26-Jan-2009 18:16
When you got a job to do, you've got to do it. Very nice long shot. Well seen.
Pat Shawyer26-Jan-2009 17:34
Wonderful shot of this little fellow Patti !
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