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Gail Davison | all galleries >> Photo Galleries >> Walking in My Shoes >> PESO 2009 > 21 January 2009
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21 January 2009

11.5 hours in the office + 2 hours travelling and this is all you are going to get! Mind you, this shot killed two birds with one stone. Not only did I get my PAD but I annoyed Jeremy so much taking shots of him on his laptop that he decided to go and make dinner. Now that's what I call a result :o)

Canon EOS 40D
1/40s f/3.2 at 100.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Victoria22-Jan-2009 08:13
Beautiful shot!!!!! nice DOF :)
joanteno22-Jan-2009 02:22
A work of beauty .. A MAC..
John Buffin22-Jan-2009 01:36
LOL...too funny.
Sheila21-Jan-2009 23:29
Very nice dof here.
laine8221-Jan-2009 21:59
hehehe....must try that trick !!! Nice shallow DOF, Gail
Máire Uí Mhaicín21-Jan-2009 21:59
Jeremy served the cause of pbase doubly well tonight.Pour him an extra glass of wine,Gail!
Phillip Normanton21-Jan-2009 21:39
"11.5 hours in the office"... is it significant that you didn't say "working"? lol
Grand shot - very 'digital' - and tee too, perfect :)
Ann...21-Jan-2009 21:34
Yes!!! A definite result. Neat shot too!! Rest well this evening!