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Maaike Huizer | all galleries >> gallery_of_galleries >> My photo-a-day >> 2006 - 2015 >> January 2009: Minimalism > 6 - Connection
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Maaike Huizer

6 - Connection

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Johnny Rasmussen08-Jan-2009 02:33
Excellent idea, Maaike. Like the dark tones.
Jeff Lobaugh08-Jan-2009 00:11
Excellent composition and detail!!
Sheila07-Jan-2009 13:55
Really minimal!
Richard Chapman07-Jan-2009 13:25
I like this a lot - dark and moody.
carol j. phipps07-Jan-2009 03:14
Excellent! Hope the ice holds!
Inga Morozoff07-Jan-2009 02:03
Fantastic! Nice how such a simple and ordinary object can look this good!
Carolyn Rasmussen06-Jan-2009 23:41
Done to perfection as usual! :)
jlm06-Jan-2009 19:49
Excellent !
Guest 06-Jan-2009 19:41
excellent, love the darkness, ofcourse!!
Stewart Mitchell06-Jan-2009 19:03
Good to be connected! Cool comp :-)
J. Scott Coile06-Jan-2009 18:12
Powerful ;-) Very basic form and nice light.
Mairéad06-Jan-2009 18:10
Excellent choice. And I hope we do get to see some skaters..
Walter Otto Koenig06-Jan-2009 14:34
Cool shot. Good eye to spot this and capture it.
Norbert Fortelny06-Jan-2009 12:30
Quite fitting.
Best luck for the "Elfstedentocht", hope it stays cold enough.
Ann...06-Jan-2009 09:43
Great composition - we take these wires for granted most of the time!
beverley harrison06-Jan-2009 07:57
ahhhh the trusted piece of cable...where would we be without it?
Máire Uí Mhaicín05-Jan-2009 21:37
Without this it would be very difficult to see each others' images! Well thought out minimal shot.