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Endlessly Rising Kwanon
by Danny Boy
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29-DEC-2008 Danny Boy

2nd place
Endlessly Rising Kwanon
by Danny Boy

San Francisco

Inspired by the book Godel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid.

Updated file size (still not sure how to do that right. Had to bring the quality to "low").

Thanks for all the comments!

=Danny Boy

other sizes: small medium original auto
Canon DSLR Challenge07-Jan-2009 01:56
Definitely clever and impressive! But... also oversized for the challenge.

The limit is 150K or 153,600 bytes. Yours is at 175900 bytes. I hope you'l resize it before our host is forced to send it off to Pending and you possibly miss having it in the voting. That would be a shame. ~Lydia
Canon DSLR Challenge06-Jan-2009 19:02
As other have said...clever and impressive! ~dtallakson
Julie Bird04-Jan-2009 05:53
Very very clever, conceptually and technically. Julie
Canon DSLR Challenge02-Jan-2009 02:00
Wow - I am in awe of your PS abilities! Stunning! :-) CJ
Canon DSLR Challenge01-Jan-2009 22:52
Love your out of frame work. A clever idea well executed. - CameraShy09
jnconradie01-Jan-2009 10:15
Very clever... very impressive. Your hard work paid off! Compliments and regards Nico
Canon DSLR Challenge30-Dec-2008 19:17
Cool composite. Good job with the arm sticking out of the LCD. I read something about mathematics, computer, software, and art. Over the last two decades, there's been a great debate whether computer is a science or an art, and this composite seems to say computer foundation is a science, but its application is for art.
ctfchallenge30-Dec-2008 19:00
Very cool, Danny Boy! Very cool. ~Lydia
Canon DSLR Challenge30-Dec-2008 16:49
Thanks Traveller. The text is from Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, which I don't pretend to understand enough to offer an explanation. But it makes for a fun exercise :-)

=Danny Boy
Canon DSLR Challenge30-Dec-2008 12:47
Gosh, this is Fantastic! What is the writing in the background, however? Best Wishes, Traveller (I'm not saying I don't like it, I'm just curious about all written