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Yvonne | all galleries >> R O S E S >> Spring in my ROSE garden in 2008 > A blue rose?
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03-NOV-2008 Yvonne

A blue rose?

In a special spot for miniature roses in my rose garden

Said to be the closest a rose has got to blue
bred & released in 1924, Baby Faurax is a polyantha rose.

Canon EOS 40D ,Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8
1/125s f/5.6 at 90.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Greg Christie23-Nov-2008 22:12
I have yet to see a true blue rose and I hope I never will. But the so called "blue" roses are wonderful. Beautiful image!
laine8223-Nov-2008 21:46
I would argue Veilchenblau is more blue...I do hope they never find a true blue, think it would be awful in a rose. This is a sweety.
Jackdad23-Nov-2008 18:01
I expect it would turn blue in the weather we're having up here LOL
Sheila23-Nov-2008 15:46
Can't say I see the blue, but this is a stunning miniature.
Gerard Koehl23-Nov-2008 13:04
Superbe fleurs... V
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