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Steve Morris | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shrewsbury in soft light > Quarry gates
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06-NOV-2008 Steve Morris

Quarry gates

Shrewsbury, England

"Where there is much light, the shadows are deep"

other sizes: small medium original auto
samikosemi08-Feb-2013 20:51
Great pic
katjas23-Nov-2010 19:23
so beautiful! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)29-Jun-2010 16:41
The perfect capture! Vote
Guest 23-May-2009 07:52
poetry66616-Mar-2009 00:05
Fabulous lighting and gate reflections here Steve. An outstanding composition and addition to this gallery.BV!!
PauloCGama13-Mar-2009 11:51
Powerful light and mood. Love the shadows. v
Paul Bartlett07-Mar-2009 09:48
Brilliant use of the shadows has created an excellent composition. Well spotted. Superb image. Big V
Larry Hill14-Dec-2008 03:20
Beautiful night shot, the detail in the foreground is perfect. V
Bartosz Kotulski11-Dec-2008 00:10
wonderful night capture. great use of light and shadowsand fantastic composition. For me one of the best evening shot ever.voted
January Grey03-Dec-2008 07:00
Wonderful light & shadow-play, Steve. An excellent composition, and a beautiful image! V~
Pixel Shooter02-Dec-2008 02:14
This is new, perfectly executed
Lamar Nix01-Dec-2008 16:20
The glaring light halos and shadows from the iron gates reinforce the hard edge mood in this excellent work. V
Robyco27-Nov-2008 09:28
Well seen !!!
Vince22-Nov-2008 12:42
Beautiful shot. Lovely light and shadows. Vote.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik22-Nov-2008 02:31
Beautiful image Steve! Outstanding lighting. L&S
Patricia Kay19-Nov-2008 15:21
Wonderful it!.........BV
Debbie Blackburn Beierle19-Nov-2008 06:34
FANTASTIC! Well deserved response!!!
Guest 19-Nov-2008 01:33
mysteriously beautiful! v
Apostolos Tikopoulos18-Nov-2008 19:59
Wonderful moody composition. V.
Milos Markovic18-Nov-2008 13:48
Another perfection from you, Steve.
Wonderful addition to your , already legendary, gallery.
My compliments.
malcolm haslam17-Nov-2008 22:29
There's a great atmosphere of suspense here...
nice one.
Bill Warren17-Nov-2008 22:00
Dramatic fence shadows and the night lighting is so well controlled. V
shatterbug17-Nov-2008 09:10
A terrific design with these marvelous shadows...great eye!
John Reynolds LRPS16-Nov-2008 22:00
Nicely composed Steve. V.
Yves Rubin16-Nov-2008 17:37
Wonderful structure and crispness in the details, a beautiful night image. BV!
CM Kwan16-Nov-2008 09:40
A perfect night shoot, Steve! Very impressive! V
Simon Chandler16-Nov-2008 01:19
Wow! A masterpiece. Everything in this image is excellent, the lighting, the shadow, the light burst, composition, exposure.... v
Guest 15-Nov-2008 17:03
Fantastic composition, Steve! The light and shadows create a wonderful mood - Outstanding!
Jim Chiesa15-Nov-2008 12:45
Excellent composition and result, Steve ! V.
Raphael_E15-Nov-2008 12:10
Great play of light and shadows in this moody composition ! Well done, Steve ! V.
Earl Arboneaux 15-Nov-2008 02:34
Great night shot...
Yiannis Pavlis14-Nov-2008 22:09
An image with wonderful mood and effective light!
remarkable work! .V
Guest 14-Nov-2008 20:21
wonderful light, compo,look through.
Jim Coffman14-Nov-2008 17:24
Stunning shot Steve! V
gary becker14-Nov-2008 13:00
Speechless ! !
Guest 14-Nov-2008 02:27
This is another masterpiece with author's recognizable sign... the lighting that produces long and hard shadows where leaves on the ground are still visible, creates huge storytelling drama with question such as "what's behind this door"... big vote!
Michel Jasmin13-Nov-2008 03:18
Great night shot V
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)13-Nov-2008 03:15
Love the shadow lines. V!
Marcia Colelli13-Nov-2008 03:04
nice capture V
Wenche Aune12-Nov-2008 23:10
Excellent night shot. V
laine8212-Nov-2008 20:39
One of your best, Steve,,,love the intricate shadow.
jlm12-Nov-2008 19:39
Perfect exposure !
Marco Valk12-Nov-2008 18:48
Another great addition to a remarkable gallery. voted
Thomas12-Nov-2008 17:51
Once more you have captured the light perfectly.
Fong Lam12-Nov-2008 17:46
Fantastic capture of those long shadows of the gates.
An impressive night shot!! V
Steve Sharp12-Nov-2008 17:06
This is why we (i.e. you) give up the warmth of the sofa to go out looking for photos!
Katie Chew12-Nov-2008 16:42
Excellent night shot! V
Guest 12-Nov-2008 16:24
A really nice image with the capture of the light/shadow patterns..voted
Ceya12-Nov-2008 15:42
Very decorative and beautiful gates with interesting shadows.. Well done, Steve! V!
zyziza12-Nov-2008 15:42
very moody! v
globalgadabout12-Nov-2008 15:35
beautifully crafted image...those are remarkable classy gates for a quarry...V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther12-Nov-2008 09:53
Just fantastic! Beautiful colors and shadows! V
H2M12-Nov-2008 09:15
Wonderful light and shadow play, looks like made in lace.... V
Scott Wager12-Nov-2008 08:21
Great shadow play, well spotted...V
Paco López12-Nov-2008 07:17
Excellent!! V!
Guest 12-Nov-2008 07:12
Wow. What a stunner! V
Nick Arena12-Nov-2008 05:45
Wonderfully exposed and captured....fantastic shadow detail from those beautiful gates..V
Mindy McNaugher12-Nov-2008 05:10
Absolutely exquisite!! Vote!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)12-Nov-2008 02:59
Love the composition and lighting Steve, great light and shadow,...
Hank Vander Velde12-Nov-2008 02:06
Beautiful nice night shot. Good light and nice shadows. V..
Guest 12-Nov-2008 01:06
fantastic light!-v-
Raymond Ma12-Nov-2008 01:03
Marcia Rules12-Nov-2008 00:25
an excellent nocturnal look ~V~
Guest 11-Nov-2008 23:57
Great image, Steve, The deep shadows are superb. well done. v
J. Scott Coile11-Nov-2008 23:16
WOW this shadows!
bill friedlander11-Nov-2008 22:59
A super shot. Great light and shadows. Can inspire many stories. V
Manas Khan11-Nov-2008 22:38
Excellent shot! V
Guest 11-Nov-2008 22:33
Excellent angle and green hue, V
Carol Rollins11-Nov-2008 22:33
This is fabulous Steve! Absolutely wonderful night shot! Stunning! V+++
Keith O'Brien11-Nov-2008 22:22
Cracking shot Steve, a real masterpiece - well done! BV
monica memoli11-Nov-2008 22:17
Love it! v
Sheila11-Nov-2008 21:54
This is really beautiful.
Peter Sussex11-Nov-2008 21:38
Gorgeous gate, so brilliantly captured.
marie-jose wolff11-Nov-2008 21:34
perfect night shot, Steve ! V
settler11-Nov-2008 21:29
Nice very nice!..V
Gerard Koehl11-Nov-2008 21:26
Wow... perfect. V
Jay Levin11-Nov-2008 21:23
A brilliant shot through those gorgeous gates, Steve. The shadows are spectacular. Vote
an nguyen11-Nov-2008 21:19
Fascinating light.. BV
Sue Robertson11-Nov-2008 21:16
Stunning..!.. v
Silvia Roitman11-Nov-2008 21:14
very nice!!!
Guest 11-Nov-2008 21:13
just fabulous :) no more no less ... simply awesome night shoot ! V~!
Ann...11-Nov-2008 21:10
Steve you have done some beautiful night shots but this one surpasses them all - superb!!
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