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BleuEvanescence | all galleries >> AUTOMNE >> Inspiration.... > Fallen...
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Delicate pebbles, sand and leaves.
The beach is not far
The air is cool and humid
And the sound of the waves is just a faint echo
from the past summer
No more naked footsteps only quiet ones
The sun is now shy...

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 12-Jan-2009 00:58
My heart feels the air,
Like the abbrasive breath of winter,
Scratching away at the tender skin
Of my tender held memories.
Claude Martin23-Nov-2008 08:41
Derniers instants d'une courte vie faite de lumières d'été... tombée dans ces derniers rayons, qui comme le temps qui passe viennent de gauche et partent à droite, et raccompagnent cette belle feuille vers le néant d'où elle reviendra dans 6 mois...
Encore tournée vers d'où elle vient, elle n'est pas seule sur le chemin, d'autres l'on déjà empruntés et sont bien plus loin.
Yiannis Pavlis22-Nov-2008 13:50
Very beautiful work .Impressive composition and colors.
Ken Duckert21-Nov-2008 14:59
So much happens on the interface. The story here is striking and poignant. Brilliant.
Anja Lieder13-Oct-2008 12:31
Oh, oh! Wonderful juxtaposition, great treatment. I LOVE it with a very large capital L.
Guest 01-Oct-2008 20:39
a big and a small heart together, but there are so friends, in the dust of the dream land, sensitive world of emotions, rough and pure gravity of sand...
pr_rajan01-Oct-2008 04:21
...the great visual of life!
Gordon W29-Sep-2008 14:14
Very nice, Claudia! I really like the light in this.
Michel CORBOZ29-Sep-2008 13:30
Du grand art ! v
Giancarlo Guzzardi29-Sep-2008 09:12
my preferred
Ann...29-Sep-2008 08:57
Lovely composition and a very vibrant red.
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