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Pawel Kepa

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Dan Greenberg06-Nov-2010 00:57
Adding red to this monochrome image really makes it even more compelling. ~V~
Lieve Snellings13-Jul-2010 02:54
this is truely WONDERFUL ! BV
Jeff Real07-Jul-2010 00:33
A silhouette of such amazing power and beauty ~V~
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)05-Jul-2010 15:08
Excellent picture and great colors! VVV
Rosemarie Kusserow16-Aug-2009 20:19
Beautiful composition, I love the color tone, vote, Rosemarie :o)
Buba Jafarli07-Jun-2009 14:35
Perfect photography and treatment! Big V.
Guest 09-Apr-2009 00:19
Truly amazing. V
Guest 03-Apr-2009 06:05
Stunning treatment and over all. VVV
Marcela Mejia Photography01-Apr-2009 02:20
spectacular image, V
Steve Morris31-Mar-2009 17:42
A romantic vision in red - awesome!BV
Marcia Rules31-Mar-2009 13:31
one of a kind shot....v
PauloCGama30-Mar-2009 19:37
Strong and wonderful. Excellent job as usual, my friend. v
Raymond Ma30-Mar-2009 08:02
Red mood near the end of day, great! V
Guest 28-Mar-2009 14:33
So perfect! BV
FrankB18-Mar-2009 10:13
a real beauty this one!....V
Zoltán Balogh11-Mar-2009 17:37
Superb colours...I am speechless...! Very big vote!:)
Kiriakos Korakis07-Mar-2009 23:28
amazing ! V !
Guest 06-Mar-2009 18:48
H. P. Henriksen Starman06-Mar-2009 17:17
Is it sunset or armageddon. v.
Guest 28-Dec-2008 09:28
Carol How28-Oct-2008 06:01
Very effective in red!
Thierry Lucas26-Oct-2008 13:15
Beautiful picture.
endre novak14-Oct-2008 18:12
superb chromatism here.
bill friedlander07-Oct-2008 23:44
a spectacular sunset. The red and the black provide foor a high impact image. V
Guest 04-Oct-2008 19:53
WOW... so much beauty... just wonderful. V
Paul Chan04-Oct-2008 11:35
Attractive silhouette shot...V.
Mostafa Moftah01-Oct-2008 20:01
So beautiful.. V~
Guest 30-Sep-2008 12:08
a stunning image,love it.
Chun Lo30-Sep-2008 02:47
Perfect indeed!! Well done!
laine8228-Sep-2008 14:41
That's sharp too.
Guest 24-Sep-2008 18:28
Nick Arena24-Sep-2008 07:20
Wonderful silhouette..great composition and colour.V
Besati21-Sep-2008 13:30
Excellent composition, Pawel, and very moody image.
Dennis McDonnell18-Sep-2008 04:14
Thanks for checking out my gallery Pawel...looked at all yours, very nice, especially this one, might be good black & white...Dennis
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