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Vince | all galleries >> Galleries >> Film > Yawn of a white tiger
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Yawn of a white tiger

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John St John Photography03-Apr-2010 20:43
Perfect capture. Patience has its reward!
Robyco05-Mar-2010 20:37
Woooow.... great timing !! (V)
Guest 03-Oct-2008 17:56
excellent timing.
12312-Sep-2008 05:22
Yawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BV
Jeff Real11-Sep-2008 01:41
What a moment you have captured. Fantastic! ~V~
Simon Chandler08-Sep-2008 08:50
Wow, excellent capture. Great timing. Great tonal range. v
Paco López08-Sep-2008 06:26
Great image!!!!!! BV!
January Grey08-Sep-2008 06:17
Amazing shot, Vince! Wonderful timing! Fantastic yawn! V~
Guest 07-Sep-2008 22:40
That Is just WOW! Tonger :) V
Lee G07-Sep-2008 18:28
Wow, awesome close up! Nice textures and lighting on this guy..and that pose!!
pr_rajan07-Sep-2008 17:08
...great shot!
FrankB07-Sep-2008 15:22
fantastic tight candid!...V
Yves Marquis07-Sep-2008 13:44
great one vince