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Sam Stevenson | all galleries >> pad >> September 2008 > Looking In
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Looking In

Canon PowerShot A590 IS
1/60s f/2.6 at 5.8mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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poetry66609-Jan-2009 17:54
Nicely composed wall shot and the view to the garden. Quaint.V
François Fauchard26-Sep-2008 05:36
Belle ouverture vers l'intérieur de la maison. Composition intéressante.
Barry S Moore06-Sep-2008 11:02
Lovely capture.
Fong Lam05-Sep-2008 05:31
Nicely spotted, a great composition, Sam.....V
Guest 04-Sep-2008 21:09
Love the pov on this wonderful image..v
Jess. ( Lady.D.)04-Sep-2008 19:21
Interesting composition, good textures and detail....