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McGarva | all galleries >> Annual Archives (7 Galleries) >> 2008 - A Year of images! > London Eye by Night
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10-AUG-2008 McGarva

London Eye by Night

London, England

other sizes: small medium original auto
Kevin Chester28-Feb-2010 15:42
What a cracker , its no wonder you have used this as your banner on this gallery
chris opall05-Nov-2009 20:33
Fun image. Love the contrast between the motion blur that you captured in the ferris wheel and the sharp detail of the cityscape.
Bartosz Kotulski14-Jul-2009 12:29
fantastic composition.great brown tones af the water and the sky plus lovely colorful lights of the city
Dek Grant11-Apr-2009 22:26
I prefer the colour....great it.
Phillip Normanton16-Aug-2008 13:58
Think I prefer the b&w version, but a bit of colour is always good :)
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