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clark langley | all galleries >> Galleries >> doc's dailys '08 > foggy-fenceline
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No kids and no oil derricks.
What's gotten into Langley?
One of Cristi's friends called this morning,
told her to tell me to get the camera out,there is fog!!
I had my first patient in 45 minutes,what do I do.............
Yeah, you got it.
I was a little,not a lot,late.

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Steve Morris16-Sep-2008 19:58
That's a fabulous shot - the silhouettes and light are beautiful!!BV
Mike Stobbs15-Aug-2008 02:02
I would have been late for this shot too....braVo...Mike
mojoflowerchick14-Aug-2008 03:09
lol.. u r not one of those docs that keep us waiting forever are you? well u deff.. got a great shot out of it