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McGarva | all galleries >> Travels (25 Galleries) >> City Night Shots > London
by Night
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10-AUG-2008 McGarva

by Night

London, England

More on London in my gallery:

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Robyco05-Jun-2010 21:59
Outstanding !! (V)
Mihai12-Jan-2010 05:29
Wonderful......Big Vote !
Guest 15-Sep-2009 14:07
Great perspective from this angle. I've never considered shooting the London eye from this vantage point but it works really well!
Pete Hemington02-Jul-2009 21:19
Brilliant shot - feeling of movement in the sky, like the wheel is a fan!
Milan Vogrin21-Dec-2008 16:41
Great night shot!V!
Bill Warren14-Dec-2008 21:47
Exceptional night light control for such a long exposure
Steve Highfield14-Dec-2008 21:21
Spectacular night shot of the London skyline and Eye. +V
peterjay4514-Dec-2008 18:52
Wow, this is truly a stunning image. Lovely composition. V.
Terri Steele05-Dec-2008 17:37
Amazing use of light. A piece of art for certain!
Pete Hemington25-Oct-2008 08:51
excellent treatment of classic subject - good light on the water - 30sec worked well
Guest 13-Aug-2008 08:54
Very striking, the Eye against that gorgeous sky is a great focal point...V
David Henry13-Aug-2008 02:31
Very well done! Great mood to it.
Stewart Mitchell12-Aug-2008 22:08
Stunning night really nailed this one!
Guest 12-Aug-2008 20:58
Wonderful night time cityscape..........V
Peter Stubley12-Aug-2008 20:18
Excellent nightscape -- very nice capture of the quality of light.
Zak12-Aug-2008 20:14
Nice night shot, did the river cops ask you what you were doing?
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