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Ian York | all galleries >> Galleries of Ian York >> Dun OK > Mobius Arch
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20th January 2008 Copyright © Ian York 2008

Mobius Arch

Lone Pine CA

::Part of my West Side Story Collection::

Part of the Alabama Hills with Lone Pine Peak showing through the Arch

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sue Anne Rush 27-Feb-2022 18:39
Beautiful. V
Marco Valk30-Jan-2008 18:48
superb; vote
Victoria23-Jan-2008 11:12
What a gorgeous place, what amazing place
Marjan Schavemaker22-Jan-2008 09:42
Super, Ian! V
Sheila22-Jan-2008 05:00
Awesome scenery and shot!
Robin Reid22-Jan-2008 04:29
J. Scott Coile22-Jan-2008 04:11
That is spectacular. What a wonder.
Guest 22-Jan-2008 01:00
The suns light really make this shot. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Jan-2008 22:31
Wow! Excellent, Vote.
Herb 21-Jan-2008 20:58
Nice image
Bill Gallagher21-Jan-2008 20:24
Excellent composition. V
Guest 21-Jan-2008 20:09
absolutely breath-taking!
Stephen Hall21-Jan-2008 18:58
Magic light!! Nicely seen and captured! SH (v)