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Ian York | all galleries >> Galleries of Ian York >> Road to Marrakech > Traveller's Friend
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11th August 2007 Copyright © Ian York 2007

Traveller's Friend


Unpacking from the trip, I found this well used invaluable item.

::and a necessity when producing my Road to Marrakech Collection::

1/200s @ f8, ISO 500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 06-Oct-2007 09:03
LOL... I know the staff destroyed :)
Guest 17-Aug-2007 14:40
You drank the water........ oh no....
Been there done that. lol.. ( in Mexico)...
Neil Horner11-Aug-2007 21:55
small but very usefull !
beverley harrison11-Aug-2007 19:00
lol @ bruce!! hope you are a touch better now?
Guest 11-Aug-2007 18:40
Crap photo ;->
Ilana gil11-Aug-2007 16:33
Just be healthy !!!
Nicely done.
Dave Wixx11-Aug-2007 15:35
Nice - that paints a larger picture!!!!
Gail Davison11-Aug-2007 14:04
I never travel without them!
Carolyn Rasmussen11-Aug-2007 14:01
All aboard the train! Great image. Makes me smile.