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Ian York | all galleries >> Galleries of Ian York >> Road to Marrakech > Out of the Blue
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6th August 2007 Copyright © Ian York 2007

Out of the Blue

Essaouira, Morocco

Along with Fornells on Menorca, this is one the most beautiful fishing ports I have visit
The temperature is high 20s all year round, due to the cool Atlantic breezes.

A traditional walled medina makes up the main old town
and the port to its west has fantastic coloured boats

::Part of my Road to Marrakech Collection::

1/125s @ f8, ISO 100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-Aug-2007 13:28
Stunning colour. Probably dazzling too when you were there!
Guest 17-Aug-2007 14:41
Great shot. talk about traffic. lol..
Neil Horner11-Aug-2007 22:01
wow ! looks fascinating..