light wave
I try to focue on the light reflection in the water, but it was too dark to focus, this one was my guess, a little bit soft.
woman with umbrella
Same night as the one before, shot with lens wide open.
Sparkling Night
Rainy night, my kind of weather. Went out to try my Oly SPn to see how it performs, from the pictures I got I'd say it's pretty good, except the lens got quite a few rain drops on it caused some unwanted reflection. Have to try it again at dry night.
subway musician
I saw a lot of this kind of performers in the subway, some are good some are bad, this one is good, and the instrument looks almost new.
try some indoor photo with controled light
portrait of a tree
The flowers look like floating in the wind. I use shallow DOF on my 4X5 camera to achieve the effect I wanted. I have to tile the lens a little bit to get most of the flowers in focus.
daily grind
This one was taken on a work day around 5pm, the sun is setting and people start to leave their jobs to go home. The long shadow cast by the sun caught my eye, it made me think the daily life in NYC, and how hard people worked. The shadow added a tired and helpless feeling to the image. I took quite a few shots, this one turn out to be the one I am happy with.
central park lawn
This is my first roll of T-Max 100, the grain is very fine. The print I got back from the lab is on RC paper. Kind of like the tone.
foggy night
Prey there is no care coming. Auto exposure with my OM2n.