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Jeroen Bosman | all galleries >> SOMEPLACE: landscape, architecture >> Early morning river mist >
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along the river IJssel in Deventer view map

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Barri Olson17-Mar-2010 17:53
regi olbrechts17-Mar-2010 08:59
Ik wil wel mee
en blind van vertrouwen
leen mij jouw hand
gaan wij een nieuwe toekomst bouwen
silvia marmori03-Oct-2009 18:25
atmospheric is a small word to describe..
Marcia Rules03-Oct-2009 15:26
gorgeous work with fog! Simply a marvel...V
Steve Sharp03-Oct-2009 09:51
Superb; autumn is here at last!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther03-Oct-2009 08:56
Love the mood! V
Paco López03-Oct-2009 07:34
Excellent image!! V!
jcliehn03-Oct-2009 02:59
Great mood rendering indeed.
lou_rozensteins03-Oct-2009 00:53
Great with the mist. Well done.
Pawel02-Oct-2009 23:49
Beautiful mood!
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