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hge54 | all galleries >> Galleries >> Honors and Publications > Giant Pacific Octopus
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Giant Pacific Octopus

"Best in Show" Northwest Dive and Travel Photo Contest, 2008

Nikon D70
1/30s f/14.0 at 16.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Sep-2010 05:54
This is a quiet big boy? I would not meet him... :)
Jim Stiles04-Mar-2010 05:06
Wow, very impressive image. I've never done any diving but have always wanted to get down deep into Puget Sound to see creatures like this. Thanks for sharing!
Will James Sooter05-Aug-2009 01:49
HI Hal, excellent observation and capture. Very cool, Cheers, Will