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Harry Lavo | profile | all galleries >> HFLPhotos - Sports >> Football tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Football in all its sizes...from peewee to College.

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South Hadley vs Holyoke JV Football, 09-07-07
gallery: South Hadley vs Holyoke JV Football, 09-07-07
South Hadley vs Longmeadow JV Football  09-14-07
gallery: South Hadley vs Longmeadow JV Football 09-14-07
South Hadley vs Minnechaug Varsity Football 09-21-07
gallery: South Hadley vs Minnechaug Varsity Football 09-21-07
Oberlin College vs Hiram College 09-29-07
gallery: Oberlin College vs Hiram College 09-29-07
Brown vs Holy Cross Football 10-06-07
gallery: Brown vs Holy Cross Football 10-06-07
Oberlin College vs. Case Western Reserve September 19, 2008
gallery: Oberlin College vs. Case Western Reserve September 19, 2008
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