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Helen Betts | all galleries >> Saudi Arabia: Life in the Desert >> Riyadh: Around the DQ > The sky is falling... (2)
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The sky is falling... (2)

I was sitting at my computer just about to comment on Sam’s image, when suddenly several of the beams in the ceiling came crashing down on to the dining room table, barely missing me and my computer and my glasses. My tea went all over the place. Luckily I had caught some movement on the ceiling out of the corner of my eye and pushed my chair back and covered my head. The beams are made of fiberglass or something light, but still… they were coming down a pretty long way. We now have wires hanging and lights broken and beams all over.

I had heard some odd noises the other day, and told my husband they sounded structural. I guess they were.

Another view of this disaster:

Sony DSC-RX100M2
1/100s f/2.2 at 10.4mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sam Rua24-Nov-2013 15:59
Holy smokes! That is quite the disaster scene, Helen. How bizarre to have those break loose and come crashing down.
Gerard Koehl24-Nov-2013 07:24
Vous vivez dangereusement... V
Carol Rollins24-Nov-2013 04:28
What an awful mess and so scary! So glad you are OK.
Raymond Ma24-Nov-2013 01:10
Oh my unbelievable! Glad you are OK. V
pkocinski24-Nov-2013 00:59
I'd look for "spy bugs" in that beam - ha ha :-)
globalgadabout24-Nov-2013 00:50
your Saudi adventure seems fraught with dangers...still, you never know when a photo-op will fall into your lap...this seems an alarming episode though..
Bob Patton23-Nov-2013 23:17
Wow. Maddening. I bet you hit the ceiling. :-)
Isabel Cutler23-Nov-2013 22:33
EGADS! That was scary and not too welcoming! Glad you're safe.
marie-jose wolff23-Nov-2013 22:10
a disaster, glad you have not been hurt!
John Hamers23-Nov-2013 22:05
Incredible this could happen !. I'm glad you weren't hurt !
Karen Stuebing23-Nov-2013 22:05
Close call! I'm glad it turned out okay but seriously, ceilings falling down? It looks scary.
Stephanie23-Nov-2013 21:37
This is unbelievable! So glad your Herend wasn't sitting on the table! V
larose forest photos23-Nov-2013 21:12
Yikes! This is really terrible. It is a wonder you were not hurt - thank goodness you weren't. Fortunately these beams are not heavy wood, but still...
bill friedlander23-Nov-2013 20:43
OMG! You will remember this for a long time. Glad nobody was hurt.
Colin Storey23-Nov-2013 20:26
Glad you are ok after this traumatic event.
William Barletta23-Nov-2013 20:02
Wow! You're lucky that you weren't hurt. I am glad that the US government places its officials in such quality housing.
janescottcumming23-Nov-2013 20:01
A view from both sides! Good documentation of this frightening moment. V
Peter Sussex23-Nov-2013 20:00
Sounds like a horror story, but glad you are in one piece. Take care!!!
Kim23-Nov-2013 19:52
Looks violent, Lucky it didn't hit you or your Mac. V
Jim Coffman23-Nov-2013 19:47