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Dave Hein | all galleries >> travels >> oahu > fireworks triptych
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fireworks triptych

(Quite nice when viewed at Original size.)

4s f/11 50mm @ iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Marisa Livet06-Aug-2012 08:10
Well done, the idea to present the three picture in only one images enhances their effect
Ed Preston22-Jul-2012 18:57
Nicely done Dave!
Ann...22-Jul-2012 09:25
Jeanne Newman22-Jul-2012 03:46
Glorious color! Kinetic and animated! I am so intrigued - amazed, really - at the clarity of hue, of the sky, the entire "design" of the fireworks! AND the triptych is THE perfect foil to display those three stunning images. Huge vote!