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03-MAR-2009 © DK Hein 2009

fish and fur club (front)

Submitted for the Thursday 03/05/09 Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge
Topic: "Album Designer".

Additional randomly generated entries this week can be found - Here-.

Nikon D300
10s f/20.0 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fabienne20-May-2014 20:35
Voilà un début adorable😀
Johnny JAG11-Mar-2009 20:19
LOL, very well done, it does look real!
Ilana gil09-Mar-2009 11:20
WONDERFUL! It's a real CD cover, great work :)
Evaristo Buendia Carrera07-Mar-2009 05:15
wonderful interpretation!
Guest 06-Mar-2009 18:12
Very CD-like. I was still stuck in the 70's with a vinyl album cover. Nice design here.
Laura Sebastianelli06-Mar-2009 13:20
Wonderful! made me laugh out loud
The Third Side06-Mar-2009 12:18
Great entry !
Karen Stuebing06-Mar-2009 11:34
This is great! Made me smile. Super design and graphics. I like the way you put the title on the edge like a real CD cover.
Jola Dziubinska06-Mar-2009 01:24
Absolutely wonderful and funny :)
Cliff Hutson05-Mar-2009 22:17
This is superb.
corypdot05-Mar-2009 21:02
This totally cracks me up!! Being a cat nut and all. I personally would love a copy to hang on my wall.
Phillip Normanton05-Mar-2009 20:51
Great combo!
beverley harrison05-Mar-2009 20:45 it a lot!!
Guest 05-Mar-2009 17:27
Colin Clarke05-Mar-2009 15:59
Music, or just scales?? Yuk Yuk.
This is a very professional cover.
I think this is already in the stores ... or should be. :-)
laine8205-Mar-2009 15:52
If that fish pokes it's head out of this can, it's a goner !!! LOL. great shot.
wendy beard05-Mar-2009 15:31
This is brilliant!
Love the back of the CD too!
Ken Duckert05-Mar-2009 14:32
Outstanding design. Very imaginative and effective.
Ann...05-Mar-2009 13:37
WOW!! This is really cool!!!!
j>a>e>17 :):):)05-Mar-2009 13:07
perrrrrrrrrrfectleeeeeeeeeeee meowwwwwwwwwwwwvelous whiskerzzzz o'gleeee :):):)
monica memoli05-Mar-2009 10:52
Great! v
Lee Rudd05-Mar-2009 10:29
lol very tasty!
Yvonne05-Mar-2009 09:57
Sheila05-Mar-2009 09:43
Maaike Huizer05-Mar-2009 08:26
Dave, this is marvellous. A super creation.
Barbara Heide05-Mar-2009 08:09
excellent execution!
An De Wilde05-Mar-2009 07:01
great !
Cindi Smith05-Mar-2009 05:23
LOL!!!!!!! This is awesome!
Ed Preston05-Mar-2009 03:53
Very nice Dave. I can tell, you've done stuff like this before. It was a heck of a challenge for me!
Inga Morozoff05-Mar-2009 03:36
Oh wow put a ton of work into this.
It's simply brilliant.
VERY well done!!!!
carol j. phipps05-Mar-2009 03:04
Excellent work for this CD cover! I'm impressed!