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Aviation Museums | Honolulu International Airport | Aloha Airlines | Airshows


2015 Kaneohe Bay Airshow
:: 2015 Kaneohe Bay Airshow ::
2014 Wings Over the Pacific Airshow
:: 2014 Wings Over the Pacific Airshow ::
2012-09-29 - Kaneohe Bay Airshow
:: 2012-09-29 - Kaneohe Bay Airshow ::
2009 Wings Over the Pacific (Day 2)
:: 2009 Wings Over the Pacific (Day 2) ::
2009 Wings Over the Pacific (Day 1)
:: 2009 Wings Over the Pacific (Day 1) ::
2009 The Thunderbirds practicing in Hawaii
:: 2009 The Thunderbirds practicing in Hawaii ::
Blues at the Bay 2007
:: Blues at the Bay 2007 ::
Blues on the Bay 2022
:: Blues on the Bay 2022 ::