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Already Parted


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Herbey Morales01-May-2010 17:58
Simple but very powerful image. Very impressive. V
John Hamers27-Mar-2010 15:02
An credible expressive picture, V!
Guest 24-Mar-2010 15:14
Terrific picture!V
Guest 17-Mar-2010 19:40
Mike Stobbs15-Mar-2010 02:39
Very moving well done...braVo...Mike
Ken Zaret11-Mar-2010 01:49
Powerful was my word too. This is an outstanding rendering. Excellent work!
Julie Bird10-Mar-2010 07:24
What a powerful image! The square format really is wonderful. V.
Terry Bowker09-Mar-2010 13:29
Amazing shot John! Great detail and composition!
Andrew Bott09-Mar-2010 10:46
Great, great, great. Am I correct in assuming that he's 'departed' this mortal coil, rather than already parted?
Guest 05-Mar-2010 21:10
Stunning details, very well done
XiaoBernard9901-Mar-2010 14:32
Extraordinary well captured/Without age,as a Mommy.VVV
Richard Callan01-Mar-2010 10:26
What a fantastic image. If you can read "life", then this hand is like a book
Guest 27-Feb-2010 15:51
Uhhh crazy marvellous.
M Hauss27-Feb-2010 00:05
Amazing detail, incredibly well done. Big vote!
Anna Pagnacco25-Feb-2010 00:53
Emotive! ( V ) Anna
Sabine Stetson22-Feb-2010 06:13
amazing, touching, great image....
GP Merfeld19-Feb-2010 20:51
Beyond words... All of life in the details...
anuschka19-Feb-2010 16:00
Wow, no more needed. BV.
Brad Claypole19-Feb-2010 03:33
Powerful - moving - well done BV
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