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Hank Vander Velde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photos, 2013 > 08 20101123 027077 088 110 White-tailed Buck wounded 10 pointer.jpg
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23-NOV-2010 Hank v/d Velde

08 20101123 027077 088 110 White-tailed Buck wounded 10 pointer.jpg

Ottawa West

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Posting 5 of 13 in this SERIES chronicling the life of "The Wounded Buck". "Click" for posting #1, then "Click" "Next" "Next" etc., or hit the right arrow on the keyboard, to view all postings in the order posted.

The above images were taken about 3-4 days after the Buck was shot. The buck was constantly licking its wounds and appeared to be both in distress and quite frightened. He is mingling with the herd, but doesn't appear to have the least interest in the rut which was ongoing at the time.

I suspect that the Buck was shot at close range, at night and that it managed to elude the poachers in the darkness.

My next posting will be a series of images taken about eight days after we first found the wounded Buck.

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Stephanie14-Dec-2013 11:33
Amazing series Hank! This must have been terribly painful to the buck. :(
Penny B14-Dec-2013 09:33
A great collection of shots to show the path of the wound.
Guest 13-Dec-2013 17:07
Nice series of images and nicely chronicled...
We had an incident on Thanksgiving Day which burns my butt. A group of teenage hunters were out cruising the side roads for Elk when they came across a bunch on an open hillside, they all baled out of their rigs and began blasting away at them, disregarding whether they had horns or not. Many of the less wounded ones managed to run off, but those that were critically wounded were left to die on their own. fortunately the rancher who's property they were on witnessed the incident reported the crime and they were later arrested and their parents were ticketed. Now normally a crime of this magnitude would call for extreme measures, which I hope happens. I'm hopping they loose their hunting privileges and hope, also, made too pay for this horrendous act.
Guest 13-Dec-2013 16:46
I am glad the buck recovered!
Simon Chandler13-Dec-2013 16:43
Amazing images. Excellent documentary. v
bill friedlander13-Dec-2013 15:51
Looks like a nasty wound. I hope he survives.
janescottcumming13-Dec-2013 15:12
This guy is a survivor! So interesting to see. Very good series.
Carol Rollins13-Dec-2013 15:11
Excellent presentation, Hank.
francoisconstantin13-Dec-2013 12:53
Nice work.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal13-Dec-2013 12:01
Wederom een mooie serie van gewonde Hert.
Colin Storey13-Dec-2013 11:45
Another fantastic addition to this series.
Bryan Murahashi13-Dec-2013 05:34
Sad to see, but glad its still walking around.
joseantonio13-Dec-2013 05:07
Great to see this report.
Tom Munson13-Dec-2013 03:56
One lucky buck, Hank!
Robert Houde13-Dec-2013 03:42
How is it possible to let him wounded. Is it hoping for the best!
Claude Gagnon13-Dec-2013 02:16
Still very interesting :))
Guest 13-Dec-2013 01:53
Nicely documented Hank. Hoping the best for him.
Jim Coffman13-Dec-2013 00:17
I feel happy this beautiful animal is still with us. Nice work,Hank!
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