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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro II > : Paradise :
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: Paradise :

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/13s f/2.8 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
tomr-photos15-Nov-2006 00:37
Yiannis Pavlis25-Sep-2006 04:29
very a paint work.
Guest 19-May-2006 02:49
Great Picture......

Sue Robertson23-Mar-2006 20:02
Lovely work.
Robert Socha18-Nov-2005 02:17
Beautiful work. Even at this level the composition is great.
Guest 21-Aug-2005 23:31
Really lovely.
Achieving actual composition in macro is tough and you've done very well.
Donald Verger17-Aug-2005 02:09
i want to vote again!
Guest 15-Aug-2005 21:15
art and photography, where do they meet ? this image is quite stunning the simple flow of the line and the colours keep your eye within the image. Great pic.
Guest 09-Aug-2005 20:43
Simply beautiful !
Guest 14-Jun-2005 22:16
Beautiful Abstract. Love the curves, lines, colours
Donald Verger23-May-2005 12:01
oh my!!!! voted, brilliant art! yes paradise or serenity or peace or glory... is it a tulip petal? great great image Rene
beverley harrison17-Apr-2005 18:38
love pics like this, you could look at it for ages, lovely!
Guest 17-Apr-2005 05:12
jude11-Apr-2005 00:14
Very beautiful... the colors and curves are so sensual
Guest 24-Mar-2005 17:44
Out of all the flora macro studies in this gallery this is my favorite.I love the gentle flow of quiet color.Such fabulous aqueous grace in this image.I have choosen this one above the others in this series because the subject matter does not necessarily define itself as petals.With imagination it could be strange feathers,dye patterns or just about anything.The viewer is enticed to imagine the possibilities or enjoy the color in its own right.It goes beyond a straight cut and dry document.And thus the image has a magical charm.Deserving a vote for creative merit :-)
Guest 23-Mar-2005 04:07
Wow, such lovely lines and color!
Ron Horloff22-Mar-2005 23:30
Beautiful abstract, with nice colors and flowing lines.

gina_dl15-Mar-2005 16:44
lovely lines and color
Jose Paulo Andrade13-Mar-2005 15:27
Interesting pattern of color and form!