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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flowers > Maple Leaf Tile
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Maple Leaf Tile

Scanned leaves with Epson Perfection 4870 Photo scanner. Added a parchment
layer and a textured brush to the inverted image. Worked with color using Nik Color Efex.

other sizes: small medium original auto
12330-Aug-2009 06:08
Fantastic. V
Marisa Livet31-May-2009 18:25
Another very refined and accurate artisitic elaboration of yours, Rene! Your style is unique and I like it more and more.
ŠLux31-May-2009 18:09
Excellent effect....I like it! V!
lou_rozensteins31-May-2009 02:55
Beautiful result. Voted.
Anna Pagnacco30-May-2009 23:23
Wonderful work!!! ( V ) Anna
Robbie D7030-May-2009 22:55
Striking and beautiful work, I lov it.