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Hajar | all galleries >> Art of Jan and Cora Gordon >> Jan and Cora Gordon in France > "A museum of the worthless" (On a Paris Roundabout 1927, pg 57)
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"A museum of the worthless" (On a Paris Roundabout 1927, pg 57)

"These studios of the Villas Rosa Bonheur were, as a matter of fact, the residue of the old stables of the Omnibus Company, or one of the stables of the Omnibus Company." (pg 62) "Our stall was floored with hard-hammered blocks of parquet which Valentine polished reluctantly and with groans."

"A row of odd instruments were all suspended from the bannisters of the stairs which led to our gallery. The biggest one, with a round belly and a handle was a vielle d'Auvergne - hurdy-gurdy we coarse-tongued English used to call it .." "Next to it hung a Gusla, the soul of Serbia." "Next to the Gusla was an Albanian Bousouka, like a big spoon with a long slender handle." "Here was also a Spanish Laud on which Jo could have thrummed you Jotas or Faroukas or Sardanas."

"The large basin decorated with a primitively drawn cat, coloured green and yellow, was given to Jo by a Spanish peasant woman in return for a portrait of the latter's grandfather whom Jo had painted." "And that vast bubble of thick green glass? Why, that was nothing at all, a mere vinegar flask, cost two francs."

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