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MarcViskens | all galleries >> Frankrijk - France >> Pas De Calais > sur la plage de Wissant
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26-OCT-2013 Marc Viskens

sur la plage de Wissant

différents formes de l'argile
celle-ci a l'air d'une baleine

different forms of clay
this one looks like a walve don't you think

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov08-Nov-2013 14:01
Looks like any animal… V
Ceya04-Nov-2013 16:58
When I saw the thumbnail I was sure it's a sleeping dog! It wasn't! Interesting formation, Marc. V!
Jim Coffman04-Nov-2013 13:44
A great image of this interesting find! Well done,Marc!
Irene Wehrli04-Nov-2013 09:19
This looks really quite interesting, unusual...
Great find Marc!
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