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MarcViskens | all galleries >> Frankrijk - France >> Pas De Calais > le sable près de Wissant Cap Blanc Nez
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25-OCT-2013 Marc Viskens

le sable près de Wissant Cap Blanc Nez

other sizes: small medium large original auto
hamery10-Nov-2014 03:31
It's an art of work ! V
Lieve Snellings11-Nov-2013 02:08
heel knap Marc ! V
Martin Lamoon03-Nov-2013 16:19
Monique Becker et Jean Luc Bocquillon03-Nov-2013 12:27
très belle composition
René Gysi03-Nov-2013 08:23
Great minimalist and abstract composition. V
Robert Houde03-Nov-2013 03:19
Splendide point de vue. Bravo.
Stephanie02-Nov-2013 20:45
Love the textures! Less is more in this image! :)
Helen Betts02-Nov-2013 17:36
Wonderful patterns in the sand. The warm light is excellent as well. V.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Nov-2013 16:54
Lovely! V
goelsamuel02-Nov-2013 16:02
Lovely abstract! V!
Jim Coffman02-Nov-2013 13:13
A very nice image!!
Nirvan Hope02-Nov-2013 13:06
Now that's what I'd call a minimalist shot! the lines are like a river with tributaries.
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