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MarcViskens | all galleries >> Frankrijk - France >> Pas De Calais > la plage près de Wissant Cap Blanc Nez
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26-OCT-2013 Marc Viskens

la plage près de Wissant Cap Blanc Nez

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Chris14-Mar-2015 14:56
One of my favourites, love this with its amazing shadows.
Buba Jafarli05-Nov-2013 05:47
Perfectly seen! V.
Bianca Celot03-Nov-2013 21:33
Excellect composition! BV
Ceya03-Nov-2013 08:20
An interesting view well captured, Marc! Love the play with nicely composed lines and shadows! V
Irene Wehrli02-Nov-2013 19:19
Love the light and shadow play here and the green patches, very nice...
Jim's Atavistic Visions02-Nov-2013 15:07
Well done!
Nirvan Hope02-Nov-2013 13:05
Excellent composition!
Tom LeRoy02-Nov-2013 12:32
Fascinating perspective and scene with great light an shadow effects. V
Peterfree02-Nov-2013 12:12
Bijzonder geslaagde en interessante opname! V
Pieter Bos02-Nov-2013 11:31
Buitengewoon mooie plaat Marc! ~V
René Gysi02-Nov-2013 09:31
Creative and beautiful composition, Marc. Very beautiful the shadows on the sand. V
Gerard Koehl02-Nov-2013 07:59
Superbe avec cette perspective. V
Martin Lamoon02-Nov-2013 07:16
Great composition with the wood poles and their shadows across the sand
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